Exclamation Mark


The exclamation point is a commonly used punctuation mark that is used to denote happiness, extreme emotion, or to exclaim something being said.

Texting Uses

The exclamation mark can be used by itself, but is usually used at the end of a sentence (or, at the beginning of a sentence in Spanish in addition to the end of it). When used to express happiness, an exclamation mark has a similar meaning to that of a happy emoticon, and respectively, when used angrily, has a similar meaning to that of an angry/sad emoticon.


An exclamation can be used to express many emotions. If used at the end of a sentence with a positive vibe, it magnifies that positivity and shows that the sender is extremely happy or enthusiastic. In addition to this, when used with a negative connotation, the exclamation mark indicates extreme anger or sadness. It can also be used to express extreme disbelief. Since the exclamation mark magnifies the meaning of the sentence preceding it, it can be used to express almost any extreme emotion.

Multiple exclamation marks, however, require context. If used in excess (4 or more), they indicate sarcasm (in most cases). If one or two exclamation marks are used after a sentence, it even further magnifies the emotion expressed in a sentence. Older people are more likely to use more exclamation marks due to their very animated texting personalities.

The Space Exclamation Mark !

If an exclamation mark is used with a space before it, it means that a person is trying to sound happy without sounding like they care too much. It can be used with potential friends or relationship partners to appear less needy or annoying.


Extreme Happiness: “Wow, that is amazing!”

Extreme Anger/Sadness: “I can’t believe this!”

Multiple Exclamation Marks (Sarcasm): “LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Multiple Exclamation Marks (Genuine): “I am so happy for you!!!”

Happiness Without Sounding Needy: “Yeah, tonight was fun !”

More Reading:

What Your Text Punctuation Really Means – An article on The Crimson that explains what people really mean when texting with punctuation

11 Secret Meanings – A Wired article that explains some secret meanings of texting terms and punctuation


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